- User may signup for our app by using their NAVER or KAKAO profile.
- After signup user will be landed in our homepage. Meanwhile we will store their profile informations (username, address, gender, age, mobile number) in our database.
- User may find their local weather.
- We show some recommendation items for users according to their local weather forecast.
- ESQUIRE will offer some coupons for all users until valid date.
- Users will inout these coupon numbers in ESQUIRE website to claim various discounts while purchase items.
Event Lottery
- ESQUIRE will choose random users from their participants of event registration to offer mileage points. Users can accumulate this mileage for getting discounts.
Profile Page
- Users will find their total purchased item price since registration.
- Total mileage used since registration.
- Total accumulated mileage since registration.
- Current remaining mileage can use in website.